helping justice-impacted youth thrive over survive
to ensure they can chart their own path forward

Have us cater
your event

Let us cater your next event!
We offer a variety of menu options and service styles. All catering events provide employment opportunities for our young people.

Order dinner
for your family

Take a night off from cooking
with our monthly meal service.
Each meal feeds four and comes ready to reheat at home. Take look at our current menu!

to our program

Donations support our continued work, providing critical training, wraparound support and livable wages for justice-impacted young people.

Join our program

Pathways Kitchen serves youth ages 15-19 who have been impacted by the Juvenile Justice System (e.g., Truancy, ISS, Expulsion, Detention Center, Group Home, Probation). We serve youth across the spectrum, from diversion to post-release detention. Our paid culinary internship provides life skills and culinary training in an ecosystem of support.

Learn about our program

We are working to build clear pathways out of and away from the justice system and ensure that youth have access to the resources, opportunity, and trauma-informed support they need to thrive. Learn more about our program and how you can support it.

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Upcoming events

Come see our program in action by attending a Pathways Kitchen event! Our events provide living wage work opportunity for our young people and provide an immersive experience for guests to engage with our transformational program.